Call for Papers – WAIFC Young Academic Award

We are happy to announce the launch of the 4th edition of the Young Academic Award, hosted by The World Alliance of International Financial Centers (WAIFC), of which Future Finance Poland is a proud member. Representatives of our project have joined the organization of a competition that supports innovative ideas and groundbreaking concepts in the financial sector, with the President of FFP, Paweł Widawski, serving as a jury member.

We invite young academics to submit papers or essays on the future of a sustainable and inclusive financial sector, addressing one of the following topics:

  • The role of international financial centers in promoting collaboration and channeling climate change finance.
  • How financial centers can support harmonizing and proliferating sustainable reporting standards.
  • The role of IFCs in financing the circular economy.
  • The role of the financial sector in fostering a sustainable blue (maritime) economy.
  • The role of the financial sector in designing products/services and due diligence practices to specifically foster social enterprises.
  • How financial centers can foster gender equity in the financial industry.
  • The impact of Generative Artificial Intelligence on the financial sector.
  • The impact of Quantum Computing on the financial sector.
  • The role digital and tokenized assets will play in the coming years.
  • How the financial sector can better protect consumers from fraud.
  • How financial centers can support talent development and re-skilling, particularly regarding sustainability and financial technology.
  • How the financial sector can remain an attractive employer for young talent.
  • The role If should play in facilitating the significant transfer of wealth between generations in the coming years.

The top three finalists will have the unique opportunity to present their research at WAIFC’s Annual General Meeting to be held in Frankfurt, Germany, on September 29-30, 2025. The winner of the best paper will be awarded a prize of €3,000. The runners-up will be awarded prizes of €2,000 (2nd place) and €1,000 (3rd place).

The award is open to all countries, including those that are not represented in WAIFC. Since the primary focus of Future Finance Poland and WAIFC is the financial sector, we particularly encourage submissions from students, Ph.D. students, post-docs, or junior professors in finance, economics, mathematics, computer science, or other similar fields to participate. However, the Young Academic Award was created to seek new ideas, so a background in any field of study is welcome as long as the paper or essay relates to finance and meets submission criteria. Submissions are welcome from those in universities, research institutes, think tanks, and other similar institutions.

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